What Are Psychic Attacks? 3 Undeniable Signs That You Are Under A Spiritual Attack

When most people hear the word "psychic attack", they immediately jump into a panic mode. They just assume that a psychic attack is an attack by a spiritual entity (lost spirits, demons, Grey beings, etc). But, that is far from true


Cezary Wieczorek

12/29/20235 min read

When most people hear the word "psychic attack", they immediately jump into a panic mode. They just assume that a psychic attack is an attack by a spiritual entity (lost spirits, demons, Grey beings, etc). But, that is far from true.

Any interference with the natural flow of energy (Chi/Qi/Prana) can be considered a psychic attack, whether intentional or unintentional.

The goal of this blog is not to scare you. It is to equip you with the tools that you need to safeguard against these attacks.

Usually, these attacks are unintentional. Most people don’t realize that they are spiritually attacking someone they claim to love. It usually happens as a result of jealousy, resentment, or anger. Some forms of spiritual attacks, however, like hexes, curses, and energy vampirism are “intentional”.

As a spiritual teacher with an active online presence, I have personally struggled with multiple spiritual attacks. But, each time, I have come out on the other side with a new set of tools under my belt.

3 Undeniable Signs Of Spiritual/Psychic Attack

If you believe that you are under a spiritual attack, here are signs that can confirm your suspicions.

But, before we get into them, let's differentiate between the signs and symptoms of a psychic attack.

A psychic attack is not the same as a demonic possession. It doesn’t always manifest as you levitating and talking like a 600-year-old witch. It usually manifests in the following ways:

● Sleeplessness/Disruption in the sleep pattern

● Injuries/Parasitic diseases

● Unexplained anxiety

● A string of bad luck

● Blocked inner eye/third eye (which usually manifests as confusion, ungroundedness or inability to hear your intuitive voice)

Now, when it comes to the signs of a spiritual attack, these are the ones you need to watch out for

#1 Angel Numbers

Angel numbers 111, 666, 1010, 444, 999 or 222 are generally associated with psychic attacks. That’s not to say that seeing these numbers necessarily means that you are under a psychic attack.

But, angels and light beings do communicate with us through numbers. Angel number 111 is generally considered a sign of things coming together. Combined with 444 (need for a strong foundation), 1010 (end of an era) or 999 (ending of cycles), it can signal a psychic attack.

When in doubt, it’s always best to meditate and connect with your angels to confirm.

#2 Unexplained Fears, Anxiety Or Phobias

Negative energy generally thrives when we are under stress (whether work-related or personal). Psychic attacks impact our upper chakras (crown, third eye and throat), which can further exacerbate the issue. It can lead to unexplained fears or phobias.

When I was under a spiritual attack last year, I developed a fear of darkness and had a very hard time at nighttime.

Because you are already under stress, you tend to believe the worst-case scenarios. Your physical reality then eventually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This can further impact your mental health.

#3 Feeling Tired All The Time

It is possible to be physically and emotionally drained by energetic attacks (yes, it happens!), especially if you are under attack from an energetic vampire. Trust me, you know who I am talking about. Name one person you know who sucks the life out of you. Yes! This person could be an energy vampire.

Though these three signs are the most common ones, spiritual attacks manifest differently in different people.

There’s no surefire way to detect or diagnose psychic attacks. You have to trust your intuition.

Key Differences b/w Hexes, Curses, Psychic Attacks, Vampirism, & Cords

Before you learn how to protect yourself from psychic attack, it’s important that you be able to identify and understand what you are dealing with:

Here are the 4 most common types of psychic attacks:

Curses & Hexes: Energy-based attacks, which are performed through spells, rituals, or invocations, and are specifically aimed at a particular individual.

Energy Vampirism: Energetic attacks by individuals/entities who drain your energy. These may not always be intentional.

Energetic Cords: Our relationships with others can have both positive and negative effects on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Entity Attacks: Demonic attacks or attacks by spirits/extraterrestrial energies come under this category

Psychic attacks have become increasingly common in recent years

1. Saltwater Bath

Bathing in salt water will help you release negative energy from your chakras. Just draw a bath, and put a teaspoon of sea salt in your bathtub. Feel free to add a bit of rose, peppermint and lemon essential oils. Light a candle. Feel free to meditate or call on your angels while you are in the bath. Citrus oils(lemon, orange, grapefruit, bergamot or lime) generally work best. If you have been feeling stressed, you might want to try lemongrass or lavender instead.

2. Egg Cleanse

Eggs represent life. They also personify the divine feminine energy. To do an egg cleanse, you simply need to wash an egg (with plain or lemon water). Roll it on your arms, legs, stomach and back. Crack the egg into a clear glass of water. Meditate and allow the spirit of the egg to communicate. In general, bubbles indicate the negative energy that is released. After you are done, pour the contents of the glass down the drain.

3. Crystal Healing

White crystals, like quartz and selenite, are commonly used for psychic protection. Black ones, for example, tourmaline, onyx, jet, shungite and hematite absorb negative energy. Regardless of what crystal you choose to work with, don’t forget to cleanse and charge it regularly.

4. Lemon Cleanse

This method is particularly useful if you feel that your house is under a spiritual attack. Cut a lemon into circular pieces and put them on a plate. Add salt generously on top of the lemon slices. Put this plate on a bookshelf or a table. Allow it to stay there for 2–3 days.

5. Do a Sage Cleanse

A sage cleanse is one of the most common techniques of psychic protection. Simply burn a sage stick and allow the smoke to clear negative energy from your environment.

Fair Warning: While smudging is one of the best ways to clear negative energy, sage smoke does smell pungent. If you end up not liking the smell, you may want to try burning Palo Santo sticks instead.

Final Words

Dealing with psychic attacks is not easy. And, it’s not supposed to be. With every lesson comes a blessing. Regularly protecting yourself against psychic attacks is basic spiritual hygiene. But, not many of us see it that way.

Yes, negative entities exist. Yes, people attack us psychically without meaning to sometimes. That’s not the end of the world.

You have the power to protect yourself. This is why I offer multiple attunements to help people develop their psychic senses and protect themselves against negative attacks.

You are a sovereign being. No person/entity can attack you without your consent. Cleansing negative energy should be a part of your spiritual routine. If you need a little help with that, that’s alright! The important thing is - you try! And, you don’t give up with out giving your best shot.

Psychic Protection: 5 Methods To Defend Yourself Against Psychic Attacks

Psychic protection is neither as complicated nor as simple as most people online think. Yes, there are powerful techniques that can help you release negative energy and protect yourself from further psychic attacks. No, you don’t need to be special to use them.

You don’t even need to be a psychic to protect yourself from psychic attacks. But you do need conviction, confidence and an unwavering belief in your sovereignty. That’s not negotiable. If you have that, every technique listed here or any other blog you read should work for you.

Entities only have as much power as we give them.

Each one of the techniques that we will discuss today will help you take control of your power and reclaim your energy.