Psychic Protection Attunements

Psychic protection is like a shield for your mind and spirit, helping to keep negative energies and influences at bay. Just as you might wear a coat to protect yourself from the cold, psychic protection acts as a barrier against harmful thoughts, emotions, or energies that might affect your well-being. Attunements to psychic protection energies are like tuning into a special frequency that strengthens this shield. When you receive an attunement, it's as if you're being connected to a source of positive energy that enhances your natural defenses.

This process can help you feel more grounded, centered, and less affected by negativity around you. It can also boost your confidence and peace of mind, knowing that you have an extra layer of protection against any unwanted influences. Psychic protection is about empowerment and awareness. By intentionally creating a protective energy field around yourself, you'll find that your interactions with the world become less overwhelming, allowing space for joy, love, and positivity to flourish.

psychic protection reiki attunement
psychic protection reiki attunement