Healing Stories

With a clear conscience and from the bottom of my heart, I recommend CHI BALL MASTER course with Cezary !

Study materials very simply, cleanly and clearly written. Care at a high level. When it comes to additional question about the course itself, or post-course issues and others were seamless and comprehensive. I am very satisfied with the course with Mr. Cezary, I feel stronger after it, for the moment I am applying Chi Ball for myself and it is something wonderful. I recommend, recommend !

~ Martyna [Poland]

Cezary provides extensive material on energy work, and the initiation is a wonderful experience.

Light Reiki is a very subtle energy, like the ruffling of an angel's feather, but at the same time it reaches very deep. It is an excellent booster for those beginning their spiritual path with Reiki, as well as an interesting experience for advanced practitioners of the system. I encourage you to take your Light Reiki initiation with Cezary Wieczorek.

~ Grażyna A. Adamska [Poland]

Cezary's session was powerful, and I could feel energy flowing to the exact regions of both my physical and subtler bodies that were most in need of healing. He also validated many intuitive hunches I had had about my situation.

I was also able to receive a lot of messages from my guides during the session, and what was most amazing is that both Cezary and I had received the same messages at the same time! His follow-up care was also full of patience, understanding, and encouragement, and he was even able to provide me with next steps and exercises that I had been hoping to receive but did not know where to find, all without me asking! Thank you so much!

~ A.V. [Singapore]

The resources Cezary provides about the attunement process are insightful in all areas - what is it about, what areas it covers, how will it benefit, and also the entire procedure right from the recommended environment, intentions and what to expect to the spiritual lineage of the attunement masters.

The attunements on the other hand were a beautiful transformation! The experience of being attuned by Cezary was beautiful, visual and deeply interlinked with my own personal aspects! They made so much sense about their purpose after I received them!

I also wish to add here that Cezary is very intuitive when it comes to identifying what blocks may be affecting your energies. Being a spiritual worker myself, I tend to "ignore" my own physical well being, and Cezary intuitively pointed this out to me and he was really sharp in observing what areas it was affecting me and how I was accountable in what was affecting me.

Interactions with Cezary are always insightful and meaningful about my own Self - what is it that I need to look into for my own spiritual development, what is lacking from my side, what changes I can make to be more aligned with my own Truth.

Anyone who wishes to be more deeply involved with energy work should definitely work with Cezary! I know I will definitely be receiving more attunements and doing more spiritual works with him!

Truly grateful to the universe for Souls like Cezary!

~ Sue H.

Testimonials from Guides and Teachers