Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When will I receive my attunements?

A: After each purchase, I send confirmation message to e-mail address you've provided at the checkout. As a response, you have to inform me that you're ready to receive your atttunement(s). Within 1-3 days I will let you know, that your Chi Balls are ready to call in.

Q: I've never received Chi Ball attunement. How can I prepare myself to receive them properly?

A: Each time I confirm that your attunements are ready, I also attach an instruction for the receiver. The process is described with all the details you will need to call in your Chi Ball. There is no right or wrong way to accept attunement sent via Chi Ball, but for the first few times, it will make you assured, that new energies were absorbed correctly within your energetic structure.

Q: Is it necessary for me to say the same thing as in the instructions if I am calling in a Chi Ball attunement?

A: No, the intention I provide in the instruction is just an example of a sentence that allows your Higher Self to receive the energies that come from your attunement. You may say it in your own words, mentally or aloud. There is no right or wrong intention. Consciousness can be guided in your language of choice if English is your second or third language. Pure intention is the key to connecting with the Source of energy you wish to receive. Language is just a way to specify what that energy is, and which level(s) we are attuned to.

Q: During my attunement, I didn't feel anything. There is a doubt in my mind that I was properly attuned.

A: Over time I've noticed that most teachers are mentioning that it is not a rule, that everyone has vivid visuals, noticeable physical sensations, or some may not feel almost anything at all. No matter whether there are strong sensations or none, as long as your intention is pure, you will be properly attuned. If anything happens during attunement, just accept it. It's crucial to understand that there are no two identical experiences of the attunement process. Unrealistic expectations can lead to doubt if you haven't felt what you anticipated. Helpful practice is to engage in meditation and connect with your Higher Self. This can provide insight and clarity during and after the attunement. After receiving an attunement, it's encouraged to actively engage with the newly accepted energies. Work with them as frequently as you can, but my suggestion is to avoid pushing too hard. Your intuition will naturally guide you toward integrating and utilizing these energies in a way that aligns with your current needs and capacity.

Q: Are there any limitations to the number of attunements I can receive at once?

A: Technically, there are no limitations. Anyway, I strongly recommend not calling in more than one attunement at a time, or even in one day. I attach information about making breaks in between each attunement/level to the confirmation message, in case you have ordered several attunements in the same order, or your order contains multi-level attunements. The best results from your attunement can be achieved by taking a break lasting at least 24 hours before the next level/attunement. As you assimilate new energies, I encourage you to give yourself a rest. Your energetic structure takes some time to adjust. The more attunements you receive at once, the harder it may be for you to absorb and assimilate them. A single attunement system may contain multiple levels, but they are separated for a reason, so you can adjust slowly before accepting the next level. Always listen to your intuition when it comes to receiving the next attunement/level. Usually, multi-level systems have information in a manual written by their founders, about the recommended gap between each level. There are also multi-level attunements, where the founder is guiding you to accept all levels at one sitting, calling them in one-by-one. Please read your manuals carefully, before you decide to accept your attunement.

Q: The description of some attunements say I should be a Reiki Master before I can receive the attunement. Could I still receive an attunement without meeting the prerequisites? Do I have to prove it?

A: The fact that you are Reiki Master, Seichim Master, etc. does not need to be proven to me. You will receive your Chi Ball if you purchase an attunement with prerequisites and inform me that you are ready. I am not a detective who asks for your Reiki Master certificate. I can inform everyone clearly, that specific attunements have prerequisites, set by the founder of these energies. Prerequisites are indicated in red at the top of the page, as visible while reading a description. Getting an attunement without meeting the prerequisites may result in you not receiving its full benefits, or even not receiving it at all. If a founder sets up their systems in etheric realms to attune practitioners already being attuned to Reiki 1st/2nd/3rd Degree or equivalent in other modalities like Seichim or Shamballa, if you have been attuned to that level, the energies would reach you. Furthermore, not following prerequisites is disrespectful to those energies.

Q: I am already attuned to one of the multiple-level systems. Would it be possible to purchase 2nd/3rd degrees separately?

A: If you wish to purchase any level of a particular system, send me a message, and I will send you an invoice with a total fee divided by the number of degrees. As an example, if all 3 levels cost €15, each level separately costs €5 etc.

Q: I want to pass on an attunement I've received, to share it with others. Do I really need a certificate?

A: You can pass on an attunement to others without necessarily having a certificate. While some teachers may require a certificate of your attunement, it's not an absolute requirement for sharing your knowledge and experience with others. Understanding the energy, regular practice, and having a strong connection to it are key aspects in being able to effectively attune others. In many cases, sharing your attunement experience and knowledge with sincerity and integrity is what truly matters. When considering passing on an attunement, more important aspect in my honest opinion, is to have a clear understanding of your genuine lineage (I explain it below).

Q: What is a lineage, and why is it so important?

A: The lineage is a direct line of passing on an attunement, from the founder to the teacher who has attuned you. It informs you who attuned who, until you've received specific energy frequencies connected to that attunement. If you want to pass it further, honoring your lineage and providing it to your student should be required from that person. Honoring your lineage is also showing respect to the energies you would like to pass on, and respect to the founder who committed time on channelling them. For personal use, you may not need either a certificate or lineage. Therefore, I issue them only on your request. Therefore, at Effexora Academy you can find only attunements provided with genuine lineage.

Q: I have heard that certain attunements, like Reiki Usui or Kundalini Reiki, are done properly only in person or via a real-time distance attunement. My question is whether receiving these attunements using a method like the Chi Ball is as effective as getting them through other methods.

A: It is possible to send any attunement as a Chi Ball. However, some teachers disagree with that, and perform attunements in person only, or at an appointed time if they are being performed remotely. They are free to teach the way they like, I'm not taking sides or judging the quality of their teaching methods. It took me some time to realize that energies are shifting nowadays, so even older systems can be called in using Chi Balls. In-person or distant attunements are equally effective. Make sure you follow your intuition when choosing an attunement method.

Q: May I request a real-time attunement from you?

A: Attunements can be performed remotely, at a mutually convenient time. Please note that I only do this on your personal request. As described in the article on my blog described in the article you may read on my blog CLICKING HERE, Chi Ball is considered by a vast number of practitioners to be a method of choice due to its comfort, effectiveness, and other characteristics. Any attunement can be done in real-time upon request. If this is a method you really want, inform me about that using the "Comments" section while placing an order or respond to the confirmation message I always send after every purchase. I won't prepare Chi Balls unless I receive your response, so there's no need to rush.

Q: What if I was disturbed during in-real time attunement, can I reschedule it?

A: I perform re-attunements only if the method I used was scheduled date appointment. For that reason, contact me via e-mail message. Please note, that for free of charge re-attunement, I provide Chi Ball call-in method. It allows you to fully experience the process. Unfortunately, rescheduling in-real time attunements once it's done, is not available. Chi Ball re-attunements and those requested as appointed time method, are available, but you need to order them again at full cost.

Q: What is the reason for only being able to claim 3 free attunements per order? If they are free, I would like to receive them all at once.

A: Each of the listed free attunements comes with a dedicated Chi Ball attunement and a lineage certificate. The energies listed here are those that I have been attuned to by another teacher, even though some are self-initiations. Moreover, I respect the time that has been dedicated to preparing Chi Ball for me, as well as to providing a certificate with lineage. I feel guided to follow the same path. It is my belief that attunements performed with intention, mentioning your name and requesting the purest and most powerful energies for you, make a deeper kind of experience.

Q: Is it possible for you to perform free attunements at the appointed time?

A: Unfortunately, I do not perform free attunements using the scheduled time method.

Q: Is it possible to claim a free gift for orders I placed before Effexora was updated and the free gifts section became available?

A: Yes. To claim a free gift for any order made in the past, message me via e-mail with order number and specify free attunements you wish to receive. If you've made more than one order, you are welcome to claim your free gift for each one separately.

Q: I have already claimed my free gift, but now I am changing my mind. There is another attunement I would like to replace it with.

A: My email confirmation will include an attachment to the original manual once I have confirmed your free gift separately. Due to the fact that the manual has already been sent, you cannot request a substitution. When you confirm that you have downloaded the PDF document with the manual, I will prepare your Chi Ball within 1-3 days.

Q: I have received my attunement. I would like to request for a certificate with lineage.

A: If you would like a certificate, please send me an e-mail at providing the following information so I can issue your certificate:

1) Name of your Attunement

2) Date you received your Attunement

3) Your Full Name [The name that you would like to see on your certificate]

As soon as I receive your request, I will attach it as a PDF document to my reply.

Q: A) I wasn't able to download my files after purchase within 48 hours, and now they're no longer available. B) I've lost my manual and/or certificate for attunements I've purchased.

A: I ask all my students to create a back-ups for both manuals and certificates, in case of random situation they might have been lost. I understand that sometimes it happens out of the sudden. Moreover, I cannot affect the length of time your files are able to download, as it's managed by my online store hosting. I will re-send your manuals on request ONLY if your ask is sent from the same e-mail address. The same rule applies for certificate back-ups.

Q: Can I request for a partial/full refund if I decide to cancel my order?

A: Due to nature of attunements, and finished digital products specified as manuals, after proccessing payment for your purchase, you consent loosing a right to cancel your order and neither partial or full costs refund request will be accepted. Before your order placement, you have to agree with terms and conditions, as well as refund policy at the checkout. Please note that each manual is restricted by author's copyrights. I encourage you to read carefully refund and returns policy before placing order.

Q: I wasn't able to apply discount code for items, that weren't listed as excluded from sale. I was charged the full price, while I shouldn't be and I've paid the full price for them. Is it still not allowing me to request for refund?

A: In such case you are allowed to request for a partial refund, covering costs of difference between price you've paid, and price you were supposed to pay due to launched sale's details I've put on Effexora website. Contact me if something like that has happened. Note that you have 14 days since situation like that has occured to request for refund. It doesn't apply if information about excluded items was clearly visible on Effexora website. Effexora doesn't take responsibility when information was dismissed by customer, and request for refund will not be accepted.