What Is In Store For 2024? Energetic Shifts & Changes

Powerful changes are on the horizon. Consciousness is rising, and we are all being encouraged to tap into our inner selves and discover who we really are. But, is it that easy? We are all being emotionally, mentally and spiritually challenged, in one way or another. We’re all suffering, struggling to find ourselves amid the chaos that our lives have become.


Cezary Wieczorek

1/25/20244 min read

2024 has brought with it a plenty of lessons and challenges. While the chaos that I (and I think many of us) feel at this time may just be a blessing in disguise, one thing is true.

Powerful changes are on the horizon. Consciousness is rising, and we are all being encouraged to tap into our inner selves and discover who we really are. But, is it that easy?

We are all being emotionally, mentally and spiritually challenged, in one way or another. We’re all suffering, struggling to find ourselves amid the chaos that our lives have become.

We feel lost - trapped in fact. Life is becoming more and more complicated day by day. If you are struggling just like me, know that we’re being asked to release the old self and welcome new energies in our lives. I know it is not easy. How can it be? Is it easy for a serpent to shed its skin? But, it does it anyway.

Pluto entered Aquarius on January 20, 2024, for the first time in 15 years. Pluto being the ruler of death and destruction and Aquarius itself being a sign of nonconformity and rebellion is bound to create trouble in our lives.

We are all spiritual beings, we are all divine. Whether you are spiritually aware or not, I know that you are feeling these changes, in one way or another.

What Is In Store For 2024?

Energetic Shifts & Changes

Rising Above Chaos…

Being honest with yourself is the first step to transcend these energies. As I said, consciousness is rising. And, it will continue to rise, whether we choose to join this energetic shift or not. Here are a few things you can do to deal with this chaos and raise your vibration:


Grounding is one of the best ways to release negative or stagnant energies.

Allow your feet to touch the ground and imagine golden roots making their way from the bottom of your feet to the heart of Mother Earth. To enhance the grounding experience, incorporate deep breathing into the exercise.

Inhale deeply through your nose, imagining the breath traveling down to your feet, and exhale slowly through your mouth, envisioning any negative energy being released with each breath.

This combination of grounding and breathing helps to restore balance and promote a sense of calm.


When you are grateful, your vibration shifts. This boosts my self-esteem and confidence to no end.

This helps me to take risks and try new things. It also allows me to be more open-minded and open to possibilities.

Finally, it helps me to find joy and satisfaction in the little things.


Keeping a journal can help you navigate difficult emotions with ease.

Again, life isn’t half as easy as we think, but painful emotions can be managed.

Journaling is a great way to do that.

Being truthful to yourself is ultimately the key to navigating these energies. Now is not the time to blame life. It’s time to honor it. It’s time to not just embrace, but celebrate chaos. After all, what is meant to be will be. If all we can do right now is react, then why not react gracefully? It’s just a matter of believing in ourselves and our strength.

Reiki two heads of a man and a woman with puzzle pieces of puzzle pieces of puzzle
Reiki two heads of a man and a woman with puzzle pieces of puzzle pieces of puzzle

We are undergoing a kind of spiritual purification. According to Hindu legends, Goddess Sita had to undergo an agni pariksha (trial by fire) after being saved by Lord Rama.

That was not just a political decision. It was Lord Rama’s dharma to put the interest of his subjects above his own. It was also his dharma as a king to put rumors to rest and defend his queen's honor. Also, the agni pariksha represented a transformation & a spiritual gateway from a life of misery and pain to luxury and comfort. The changes we are struggling with right now are kind of like that.

They are uncomfortable and painful but necessary. It’s part of our dharma and is a result of our karma.

Realizing this will help you rise above uncertainties in life, and accept that it is pain that enables us to feel pleasure in life. Ultimately, it is darkness that helps us realize just how beautiful dawn can be.

Here Is What Really Matters…

When it comes to dealing with painful changes, here’s what we both fear and crave the most - rock bottom.

This moment becomes a breakthrough that helps us see reality for what it is. This moment helps us realize our mission, our vision, and our purpose in life.

But, if you have never experienced this breakthrough (or rock bottom), here’s what you need to know about it:

It changes nothing. In fact, it makes this even worse. It brings up childhood traumas, fears, jealousy, shame, hatred, and other low-frequency emotions to the surface.

Spiritually, these emotions weaken our psychic protection, making us even more prone to psychic attacks.

You may end up feeling even more exhausted and drained.

The breakthrough only matters if you choose to act on it. Your life is yours to change, for better or worse.

If you don’t choose to rise above rock bottom, you never will.

Time Reiki Timeline Healing
Time Reiki Timeline Healing