Do You Trust That What You Imagine is Real?

Are you finding joy in the things you're truly passionate about, even if they don't make you money or get you recognition? Your deepest interests and ideas are already great, even if they don't work perfectly in real life. The key is to believe in your own vision, and not get discouraged by an uncertain future. What matters most is the happiness and fulfillment you feel right now, not trying to explain your choices to others.


Cezary Wieczorek

7/5/20245 min read

What makes you smile? This is a simple question, and how you answer is up to you. Your response could be just one word that represents your passion - something you commit a lot of time to, even without any guarantee of money or recognition.

You could write a lot about it, as much as you feel. You could write a paragraph, a chapter, or even a whole book. You could write it as a poem or a story with different characters, each showing a part of your joy's source.

Your answers show who you really are deep down. They come from what makes you special and different. And this shapes the things you create. But it's up to you to decide to actually make those things real. You have to be brave and dream big, because your intentions and desires are what bring your ideas to life, without worrying about them being perfect. There's no true "imperfection" in your own creations - what you make reflects who you are, and that has value, even if it's not flawless.

The little "imperfections" in your creations are part of your personal touch - they're not flaws, they're what make your work unique, since it comes from what makes you special. The only real imperfection would be holding yourself back because you want everything to be perfect.

Why would I say no to something that feels really good to me in my imagination? Or am I saying no just to fit in with what others think, even though I'm not sure what they think and I can't control how they see me?

I often think about these questions when I feel disconnected from my life path. There are days when this uncertainty comes back and hits me hard, especially when it comes to publishing on my website or channeling attunements.

When we try to fit our own ideas into some perfect or popular form, but it's not really what we want or like, we're sacrificing our own creative energy just to make others happy. We're following their ideas instead of our own.

In a way, it's like we're just doing cheap labor - we're not putting our true selves into it, we're just doing what's expected of us.

We often think something is common or accepted, but it may not actually match reality. Just because a lot of people do or think something, doesn't mean it's truly right for us. We have to be true to our own vision and desires, not just go along with what's popular.

In nature, everything has a purpose and reason to exist. Mother Nature doesn't make mistakes in her creative process, and neither do you. When a great idea comes to us, we feel like a genius. That's because the idea already has a blueprint, a structure and form, from the very first image we have of what we want to create. Later, we may modify the content, but the core of our creation is perfect, just like our planet and the life on it. We don't make mistakes in our unique creative process.

We know the purpose, the tone, the depth, and the meaning behind what we create. It's something our own mind made! So why shouldn't it be perfect?

Yes, when we try to use it in the real world, it might not work as well as we hoped. But that's because it has to compete with other people's creations.

But the creative potential in all of us is the same. No one has more or less than anyone else. The only person who can really talk about your idea is you. No one else can see it the way you did in your imagination. So how can anyone else say whether your idea is good or not good enough?

Whatever you create, you also experience it. Both happen at the same time. So, why would you say that what you experience in your imagination is not real? Even if others say it's not real, because it doesn't exist in their minds, that doesn't mean it's not real for you. If it's not real in their minds, they can't really recognize it as real.

People may not always understand us, especially if they're not open to seeing things beyond just the physical world. Even then, they can only see a small part of what you have access to. You have to believe in your own strength for it to be real. By believing your strength is real, you make it real. Because you are the only one who can give it existence - no one else will experience it, so they won't acknowledge it as real.

You hold the cards. You set the guidelines and have the freedom to choose the methods and tricks that will lead you to grow in every area of life. Your goals are on a higher dimension than the one we currently live in.

Our life path often has an unknown destination. This can cause a lot of confusion about whether something is worth following, as passion often leads through many uncertainties to an uncertain point. Our logical minds might try to figure out why we shouldn't follow that kind of uncertain path. It's normal for our brains to want to identify dangers.

This path is a life path that represents our higher purpose, but we can't fully understand where it goes while we're alive. We have a limited perspective on our true essence, and that's by design, but it doesn't make this journey any less enjoyable or worth committing our WHOLE LIVES to, even though we can never be sure what our higher purpose is.

In fact, that's what makes it a higher purpose - the rewards won't be clear in this lifetime, so you can't judge if it was "worth it." This path demands faith, commitment, and sacrifice, because you're walking it without knowing what amazing things may come at the end. Isn't that what makes it so fascinating?

If this doesn't discourage you, then I know you're following your true passion. There's no need to explain or justify why you do what you love - it brings you such deep joy and fulfillment in the present moment. When you're on the path of your heart's desire, the "why" becomes less important. What matters is the genuine joy you experience, no matter what the uncertain future holds.