Bringing Spirituality Back To Earth

Spiritual bypassing is the use of spiritual practices to avoid personal issues and responsibility for growth, instead of confronting them directly. Many in the spiritual community struggle with this, blaming external factors for their problems instead of taking responsibility for their own inner work. Spiritual bypassing is the use of spiritual practices to avoid personal issues and responsibility for growth, instead of confronting them directly. Many in the spiritual community struggle with this, blaming external factors for their problems instead of taking responsibility for their own inner work.


Cezary Wieczorek

6/23/20243 min read

Sometimes, I use spirituality to avoid dealing with tough issues in my life. When things get hard, on many occasions I escaped into meditation, I dived deeply into spiritual ideas without knowing how to apply them to my daily life. This escapism is known as "spiritual bypassing" – using spirituality to avoid our inner struggles.

You might hear about spiritual bypassing in spiritual communities, but it's less discussed outside of them. Have you ever noticed similar avoidance patterns in other areas of your life? For instance, using work, relationships, or hobbies as a way to dodge deeper issues?

Spiritual Escapism: Using Spirituality to Avoid Life's Challenges

I used to believe that becoming "more spiritual" would help me transcend my problems. Instead of facing my challenges directly, I sought refuge in spiritual practices and concepts, thinking that higher awareness would solve everything. But I was using spirituality to avoid the hard work and emotional healing needed for real growth.

Looking back, I see I was stuck in a cycle of using spiritual concepts as an escape. While I was focused on the spiritual realm, I was avoiding my real issues. We all have a natural tendency to resist uncomfortable or challenging things, whether we call it "defense mechanisms," "projection," or "spiritual bypassing." It's the same basic issue: avoiding the deeper work needed for true growth.

We often prefer to ignore difficult feelings or blame external factors like "negative energies" instead of taking responsibility for our growth and healing. This is a complex and multifaceted topic, but important to recognize as a form of spiritual bypassing. A lot of the 'psychic attack' issues are actually misunderstood. Many of these problems aren't caused by external forces but by attachments and issues that people have created within themselves. Some try to fix this quickly by getting healers to do protection, attachment clearing, or cord cutting. But these quick solutions don't really work unless the person also does the inner work.

The Limitations of Recognizing Spiritual Bypassing

Some people use the term "spiritual bypassing" as an excuse to avoid doing the hard inner work. They think saying they're spiritually bypassing somehow justifies them from taking responsibility and putting in the effort to really grow and heal. Naming the problem becomes an easy out, a way to avoid actually dealing with it. Instead of facing emotional issues and personal challenges, it becomes a way to stay hidden behind another term, pretending that's enough. Real personal growth requires more than just recognizing spiritual bypassing or any other term that resonates with you. You can't just call it out - you have to take real steps to overcome it

Overcoming spiritual bypassing requires humility, honesty, and respect.

Humility means letting go of the ego's need for control and independence.

Honesty involves facing all parts of our human experience, the good and the bad.

Respect is about recognizing the deep wisdom and intelligence in our bodies, hearts, and the natural world.

The insights I'm sharing didn't come easily. They required time, effort, mistakes, and many repeated lessons. Even now, I occasionally fall into the trap of spiritual bypassing. But true transformation happens when we face our challenges head-on, doing the messy, deep work of healing and self-discovery.

Spiritual growth is supposed to be a support, guidance, not a way to escape. When used correctly, it can support our journey towards self-awareness and healing, much like therapy, exercise, or creative expression. Spirituality can help us gain insights, but it shouldn't be a crutch that prevents us from tackling our real issues.

It's scary to face the parts of ourselves we'd rather keep hidden, but that's where the real magic happens. It's where we find courage, wisdom, and wholeness. If you find yourself using spirituality to escape your problems, be honest with yourself:

What are you avoiding?

What shadows are you refusing to face?

Integrating Spirituality with the Realities of Being Human

Integrate your spirituality with the messy, beautiful reality of being human. If you find yourself using spiritual practices to avoid dealing with real problems, you might try Spiritual Bypassing Re-Solver I recently channeled. This tool doesn't do the work for you or magically solve your issues but helps you address the things that take time and effort to work through.

True growth happens when we are brave enough to face our challenges directly and use spirituality as a genuine support, not an escape. Only then can we make lasting, positive changes and move forward meaningfully. Avoiding the hard stuff may seem safer, but it keeps us stuck. The path of spiritual bypassing leads to stagnation, not the growth we seek.